
Successful state commissioning of Oyu Tolgoi Underground Main Lunch E-room

On October 09, the Oyu Tolgoi Underground Main Lunch E-room state commission held place consisting of ten members from the Umnugovi Province Governor’s Office, the General Agency for Special Inspection /GASI/, the National Emergency Management Authority /NEMA/.

Oyu Tolgoi Underground Project – Main Lunchroom. The Main Lunchroom is located to the east of Shaft 2 (SH2) in the Extraction Level approximately 1,266 m below the surface. The electrical system will be fed from the E-Room 1851-RMU-2002, via a 10.5 kV cable, up to switchgear  1871-ESS-2001-SWG The substation feeds two systems:

  • The motor control center 1871-ESS-2001-MCC is located in the electrical room. From here it feeds

all low-voltage loads within the WBS 1871 via 0.4 kV cables;

  • The Main Shop switchgear 1811-ESS-2001-SWG; via 10.5 kV cable. From here it feeds the WBS

1881 loads.

The E-Room 1811-SRM-2001 is modular to meet underground transportation constraints (1000-00-SP- 5001) and will be mounted on top of an elevated structure to permit bottom cable entry. The electrical room considers pressurization and air conditioning units.

From the low voltage distribution transformer (1871-ESS-2001-XMR), a low voltage Motor Control Centre  (MCC) will be fed. MCC will feed all the low-voltage projected loads, including the air handling units, chillers, etc.

Light switchgear of the RMU type (1871-ESS-2001-SWG) and a dry type low voltage distribution transformer (1811-ESS-2001-XRM), of 1500 kVA, 10.5/0.4 kV; will be installed adjacent to the E-Room.

Cables, couplings, and substation installation from -1163m to Shaft 2 underground mine substation were performed by “MCS International” LLC general contractor, and “Worley” LLC performed client supervision on this project. 


Our NCCS Design author`s team engineers approved design drawings and did construction supervision on Shaft 2 underground mining Main Lunch E-room successfully handed over to the Client for permanent operations.

