
Mask donation to GASI to fight coronavirus


Today, NCCS LLC has donated 200 N95 masks to General Agency for Specialized Investigation (GASI) as part of our corporate social responsibility. These masks will be sent to Mongolian border security staff who are currently in extreme shortage.

Even though Mongolia has no reported case of the novel coronavirus Covid-19, the government organizations have been working on high alert and strengthened their efforts to prevent from the coronavirus outbreak in the country. Addressing the shortage of medical supplies and funding and other urgent needs, ordinary citizens and celebrities of Mongolia taking initiatives to make donations to organizations and officers working at the forefront. 

Pilots and cabin crew of the MIAT Mongolian airlines have raised MNT 10 million, 1000 face masks and 300 gloves and donated them to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). The pilots and flight attendants, who handed over the donation yesterday to First Deputy Head of the NEMA Brigadier General G.Ariunbuyan  praised the efforts of the emergency officials, who are tirelessly working to keep the communities safe and prevent from the coronavirus outbreak. 

Continuing the series of donations and contributions for fights against the coronavirus outbreak, singer and former leader of famous Mongolian rock band “Khar Sarnai” (Black Rose) S.Amarmandakh donated MNT 30 million and 1500 face masks to the Ministry of Health. A pensioner Dashdavaa also donated MNT 10 million to the Ministry of Health today.  

The Council of Mongolians Abroad have donated face masks to Mongolians living in South Korea, an epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak and to the Consulate of Mongolia in Busan. The Mongolian Embassy in Seoul has delivered the donated face masks to the Mongolian students’ association of the Daegu University in Gyeongsan, South Korea.
